On arrival at the gardenm the remperature was -2 though the sun was shining and the sky was bright blue. However by about 12 noon we had some hailstones, followed by snow, followed by hailstones again, then more snow then even more snow, though thankfully it didn't lie in spite of being quite heavy at times.
So what has been happening - well the first frosts did for the dahlias, which is a shame as they all still had lots of flower buds waiting to open - I suppose it's been on of those years. The tubers were all lifted, cleaned and are now residing in boxes of straw under the greenhouse staging
The greenhouse is beginning to fill up now, and is currently home a large quantity of Canterbury Bells which will be space fillers for the borders, 36 dahlia tubers, 51 young strawberry plants taken from runners, 4 pots of pinks (from a neighbours garden), 2 rooted honeysuckle cuttings from beside the summerhouse, 2 Astrantias that may of may not make it through to Spring, 5 tree peonies, 2 ordinary peonies (all from seed), 12 x Echinops (from seed), 2 x Lavender (from cuttings) 12 x Gaura (from seed) 8 pots Campanula carpatica (from neighbours garden), 4 x Alchemilla mollis, 3 pots of mint (from root cuttings) 11 x Geranium Johnsons Blue (from root cuttings), 9 pots of Crocosmia "Lucifer", 9 blackcurrant cuttings and 2 globe artichokle slips - with a lot more to come in the following weeks.
So what else is going on - I've started putting the borders to bed for the winter now, cutting down most of the perennials, and will be starting to cut back the climbing roses next week.
Sally has some ideas she is yoying with but the veg garden idea is now a central island with either 4 large, 8 medium or 12 smaller "triangular" beds radiating out from this central point, the whole area to be enclosed with a hedge of Rosa rugosa. Alonside this will be planted up with an assortment of fruit trees including greengae, plum and damson, and the large slope is now being cosidered for planting up with Flowering Cherry trees undersown with a wildflower meadow mix which will have paths strimmed through it. - watch this space !!