Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Preparation for next year

Once again, apologies for no piccies AGAIN - this time entirely my fault - I forgot to pack the camera in my piece bag!! Will do my best to remember it next week but I do seem to be having more and more "senior moments" just now.
Anyway, the rasps arrived yesterday so after unpacking them I left them in florists buckets full of water to give the roots a good soak before planting out. Whilst they were soaking, Sally came down to the garden with an order of perennial plugs / bare root plants. When we got our first delivery a year ago, we planted them straight outside but quite a few succumbed to the cold winter we had , so this year, I potted them all up in MP compost and they are now happily sitting on the greehouse staging.
In no paticular order there are;
26 x Phlox paniculata (mixed)
6 x Echinops baccata Blue Globe
6 x Rudbeckia Goldstrum
18 x Hemerocallis (mixed)
3 x Astrantia major
3 x Astrantia major Rubra
3 x Astrantia maxima
1 x Hemerocallis Double Dream
1 x Hemerocallis Double Dancer
1 x Hemerocallis Double Red Royale.
After potting these up and labelling them all, I planted out the raspbery canes. These are planted at 18" spacings in the new rasp bed, with exactly the right number of canes ordered to fill the two beds. We have 6 x Glen Moy (an early fruiting variety), Glen Ample ( a mid season variety) and 12 x Tullameen (a long cane Canadian variety).
After finishing this, I did a biot more clearing up until it got dark, then finished the day by starting to lay black polythene on the ground where next years veg will be grown.
So a busy day, which will hopefully bear results next year.
See y'all next week.


  1. looks like you have been busy, garden club had a meeting last night, i said to them about the garden you are doing, just the distance put them off as we meet at night 730pm to 930pm, the only other thing i could think of was if you were to do a slide show of the garden as you take photos though out the year, and i could put you in the november slot, that would give you a chance to do the photos,

  2. have put your blog on my facebook page, will also put it on our allotment website.

  3. Billy
    Like the sound of the slideshow idea for November. It is a fair bit to travel for an evening visit and at least with the slideshow you would see how far the garden has come since the gate was opened after 24 years.
